Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Family and Friends in the States! I hope you are having wonderful feasts on yams, pies and deep-fried turkeys! Tip of the hat to Dad and Steve on their turkeys…
While we are not exactly celebrating a traditional T-day here, it is a Singapore National Holiday: Hari Raya Haji.

“Hari Raya Haji is celebrated one day after Haj pilgrims converge on Arafat in Mecca, the Islamic Holy Land, to perform the major rites of the annual pilgrimage. This falls on the tenth day of Zulhijjah, the 12th month of the Muslim calendar. Hari Raya Haji is a day to commemorate this religious occasion, and to honour pilgrims who have completed their Haj to Mecca. It’s a joyous affair, filled with festivities and cheer to welcome the return of the assiduous pilgrims. The highlight of the occasion is the sacrifice of an animal as a mark of gratitude to Allah (God).” http://www.myonlinetour.com/poi/reference/haji/INDEX.HTM
Singapore is a multiethnic society but made up of several difference cultures and religions. Like the US there is freedom of religion. Some of the religious markers turn into holidays here. Since there are so many cultures, S’pore officials have a delicate balance to maintain.
So, Paul’s not going to put in a full day and we're going to going to the pool and get tickets to the Esplanade: Swan Lake. We’re also going to get New Moon tickets – opens Dec. 3rd here! Yeah!

Picture of the Esplanade: S'pore's Performing Arts Center - Beautiful, just beautiful!
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