This post is dedicated to my Dad (Dad Bloom)! He’s been involved with the Boy Scouts for 50 years (and the only reason I think he’d allow me to say that is because the Boy Scouts are celebrating 100 years in 2010). So, it’s become a tradition that I pick up some patches, books, woggles and scarves from my various travels. I delivered Boy Scout paraphernalia from Dublin and London just this past year. So, for 2010 he’ll be receiving souvenirs from S’pore! Just wait Dad!

I took the MRT to the Bishan Station and then walked to the Boy Scout Headquarters. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed seeing a different part of Singapore. It was mainly residential so it was really quiet and I got see how people live outside the Marina Bay and the business district.

(This one is a bit hard to figure out - he looks Asian but it's supposed to be Baden Powell - too funny!)
I couldn't even read about the BSA. They are theoretically a good organization, they just have discriminatory practices.