I was able to get Kelly away for some fun in Taiwan on Saturday, May 15th!Paul had to work and had an important meeting in the afternoon.But, we thought of him while we explored the National Palace Museum.
I really appreciated the company!Thank you Kelly for being a great host!
We had planned to go to the National Palace Museum (NPM) and then go to the Hot Springs but we had such a good time at the Museum and the Teahouse at the top we just stayed there until around 5pm then headed to the Shilin Night Market – oh, that was a crazy place!!!!I think the picture below aptly describes what we experienced there!
So, let’s back up to the beginning of the day.Once Kelly picked me up from the hotel and got me set up with a MRT Easy Card, we were on our way.I felt right at home back on a MRT system (Underground/Above Ground Rapid Transit System).Along the way, we stopped at The Body Shop – thought you might get a kick out of the local signage – kind of fun, huh?!
Above ground, we saw, again, the many Scooters that are the preferred mode of transport here.Here’s one scooter with a Mom driving and son in front!
Once we arrived at the National Palace Museum, neither of us knew what to expect.As you can see from the photos, it was tremendous!We talked about the interior architecture when we entered the building – the inside felt like it was built in the sixties but we didn’t yet know the history.It feels quite repressive and functional inside.But, the outside is so ornate – the architecture seems confused.I’ve learned from a National Geographic documentary that aired on the 18th (two days after we visited the Museum – great timing!) the NPM was built in 1965 and later renovated in 2007 for $21M USD.
To give you a bit of history the artifacts are all from mainland China.There were some Nationalists (KMT) that fled China (& Communism) around 1950; they felt that they were the keepers of Chinese Culture and took approximately 3,000 crates of the best Chinese Artifacts.
After looking at some fascinating pieces, I think the scrolls and Chinese Calligraphy were some of my favorites.But, the curio boxes were absolutely fabulous and Kelly’s favorites!The NPM is a leader in preservation of artifacts; each floor, area and cabinet is air controlled and checked electronically.Additionally, objects are only on display for 45-90 days and then swapped out – since some of the items are over 1,000 years old, they are very sensitive light and moisture.
When not on display, the artifacts are stored in the mountain vault.Even some employees who have worked for the museum for 30-40 years have never been allowed in the vault, it’s that closely guarded.Not only are they striving to be guardians or passive keepers of history, they are leading the innovation in finding ways to share the treasures with the world!The curators have been digitally photographing and documenting each piece meticulously.Someday you will be able to use 3-D modeling/computing to view objects from anywhere.
After visiting the artifacts we went for lunch at the Sanxitang Teahouse and were pleasantly surprised with a wonderful meal of Dim Sum and Jasmine Tea.There was a lady playing the Chinese Harp, the Guzheng; she was fantastic.I caught a video of her below.
Kelly and I stayed there for a couple of hours just talking and enjoying the calmness of the experience.An interesting thing happened, that at first, we thought was kind of strange but later we realized that the locals just like taking our picture!A couple next to us asked if they could take a picture with us.So, the girl posed with both Kelly and I and then just me and just Kelly.Interestingly enough, it happened again on the MRT.I noticed that a lot of the tourists didn’t look like us, so I think we were a bit of a novelty – smile!Enjoy the pictures of the Sanxitang Teahouse – we really had a good time there.
Views from the Teahouse:
We couldn’t take photographs inside the museum but I did take this picture of a girl sketching the statue in front of her.Kelly and I were fascinated by her.I snuck a peek and she was quite good and using a red glitter pen!Too cute!
I did get a lot of pictures of the outside of the Palace Museum.
The day didn’t end with the visit to the Museum, Kelly and I steeled ourselves for a trip to the Shilin Night Market.Remember, this was on Saturday night!I think we might have been crazy to try this!There were people everywhere!!!!!
The Night Market comes alive with food and clothing vendors and some fly-by-night vendors that seem to mysteriously disappear - I wish I had gotten a video of it.Kelly and I are convinced that they were not supposed to sell there, so they would just wrap up the blankets filled with t-shirts or the carts of jewelry would roll off.One woman was in her sixties and we saw her quickly depart when some silent signal was given – it was a kick!She just shimmied right out of there!
Here are some sights and some things you can probably smell all the way from the U.S. Now, this was good! The video below shows these guys baking bread in a Tandoor-type oven - very yummy!
Kelly told me I had to get a video of the crosswalk signs here – it’s funny.The little green man walks slowly at first and then when it gets to 10 seconds or less, the legs really start moving – take a look!
When we got back to the hotel we had a late dinner with Paul.He’d had a long day and was up for a little wine!We enjoy some 70’s music in the lounge and as we were leaving we saw the kids below walk up to the singers and intently watch and listen.They were soooooooooooo cute!!!Look at them holding hands!What a great way to end a fabulous day in Taipei!
I’m getting the chance to travel with Paul again!This time we’re in Taipei!I’ve read that the Taiwanese are very gracious hosts and pride themselves on that fact.How true it is!! I have been so comfortable here and have met some wonderful people.Even before getting here, one Taiwanese woman told me about some places to visit and then I met another lady on the plane coming here!Thank you Diane!I’m heading to some of the places you noted tomorrow!
We were greeted with a car at the airport and after 1 ½ - 2 hours we were in Taipei!How about that?!It was somewhat because we arrived around 5pm on a Friday night…Anyway, as we neared the hotel, I saw what Paul had been talking about with the scooters/motorcycles.So, I got a video.To set it up, we were just sitting in the car waiting on the light when we were just swarmed by motorcycles.It was a kick – one of the funniest things I’ve seen!
Here are just a few other shots of Taipei.
Thought that Mom A might enjoy the picture of a Smart Car in Taipei!
Well, I need to finish this up, so I’m going to try and post the rest of the pictures tonight!We’re already experiencing a new trip; it’s easy to get behind!
As I’ve said before Nikoi was a beautiful place – there are not enough words.
Here's Paul sipping Champagne as the sun goes down at Yogi's Bar
You can request to eat your dinner at the pool overlooking the ocean. It was a phenomenal night! One of the most romantic evenings we've had. The pictures don't do it justice but hopefully you get the idea!
We got a special treat that night! The turtles are laying their eggs right now and they come up from the ocean at night!
Isn't that cool?! I don't know it I've ever seen turtles this big! Unfortunately, the next morning we saw a big lizard going for one of the egg nests. The cycle of life!
Continuing the Nikoi update, we left from our hut one afternoon to head to the pool via the “shortcut.”But, we ended up taking the long way!It was a beautiful little hike!Here are the pictures from the hike around the island and the pool. Playing around at the pool!
Enjoying the view!
A view of "iPod Rock" from the pool area - too cool!
Interesting bird - don't know what kind...but, he liked hanging around the pool
This is a Kelong - they dock up next to the rock outcroppings in the bay. The fishermen live out on them during the season and then bring in the fish to sell at the village markets.
Here is a video of one, close up. This video was taken along the Bintan Coast.
The pool area was fantastic and very well engineered!
I started this blog to share what I'm learning in photography. Thanks to an excellent teacher, Noella Vigeant, I'm finally off Auto on my DSLR!! I also took a Photoshop Elements class, so be prepared for some funny photos. My Dad is reviving his interest, as well, so it will be fun to go through the journey together. Enjoy!