Monday, May 17, 2010

Nikoi Island – Rustic Luxury, Part III

Well, I need to finish this up, so I’m going to try and post the rest of the pictures tonight! We’re already experiencing a new trip; it’s easy to get behind!

As I’ve said before Nikoi was a beautiful place – there are not enough words.

Here's Paul sipping Champagne as the sun goes down at Yogi's Bar

You can request to eat your dinner at the pool overlooking the ocean. It was a phenomenal night! One of the most romantic evenings we've had. The pictures don't do it justice but hopefully you get the idea!

We got a special treat that night! The turtles are laying their eggs right now and they come up from the ocean at night!

Isn't that cool?! I don't know it I've ever seen turtles this big! Unfortunately, the next morning we saw a big lizard going for one of the egg nests. The cycle of life!

More pictures to come!

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